22 rtr


You have heard of Team Losi Racing and wondered what they are all about. Currently I am building a TLR 22-4 and I thought I would point out why Losi should be considered THE brand to buy. If you look closely at how and why a truck is built you will find a number of […]

Sensor Assisted Flight Envelope (SAFE)


You know the feeling…you’re flying your brand new airplane when a wind gust grabs your expensive new airplane at the very last second…when you’re trying to land.  Suddenly your pristine new (expensive) airplane is going to crash.  There is NOTHING you can do about it…   UNTIL NOW!!! AS3X is a 3 gyro system that […]

Traxxas, E-Flite, Hobbyzone, blade

We have a number of new RTR products in stock: Traxxas: -Rustler VXL -Slash 4×4 VXL -Stampede RTR -Bandit RTR -1/16 E-Revo VXL -1/16 E-Revo RTR -1/16 Slash RTR LOSI: – Micro Trekker -1/18 Desert Truck E-Flite: -Full line up of ultra micro RTF and BNF Warbirds and trainers -Inverza and Edge 540 -Glassair Sportsman […]